![]() ![]() DEPARTMENTAL AND UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE SERVICE 1967-1994 1967-1969 Space and keys committee, Department of Psychology. 1980-1987.Undergraduate curriculum committee, Department of Psychology. 1970-1983. (Chair) Graduate advising committee, Department of Psychology. 1971-1972 Election committee. Chair. Child Development Graduate Group. 1971-1972.Graduate admissions committee, Child Development Group 1972. Letters & Sciences, U.C.Davis Courses sub-committee 1973-77,1987-88. Graduate admissions committee, Department of Psychology. 1973-1974. Animal care and animal space committee. Department of Psychology, 1971, 1973.Chair, Comparative psychologist search committee, 1974-1975.Research support and equipment committees, 1974-1975, 1978-1980. Graduate curriculum committee. 1974-1975.Physiological psychologist search committee, 1974-1975. Cognitive-developmental psychologist search committee. 1975-1976. Chair. Graduate evaluation committee, Dept. of Psychology 11976, 1978, 1979. Chair, Post-graduate follow-up committees. Dept of Psychology 1976-1977; Member, Personality-social-developmental psychologist search committee, and 1978, 1979-1981, Chair of same committee. 11978- 1979. Graduate fellowship committee. . 1980-1981. Teaching effectiveness committee, 1979. Prepared the merit recommendation for Departmental Chair, 1981. Human development major: Agricultural Education Policy committee; 1981. Developmental psychologist search committee, Dept. of Psychology, 1981-1986. Undergraduate advising & student-faculty liaison committees, 1983-1984. Colloquium committee, 1983-1984, 1984-1985. 1985-1986, 1986-1987.Undergrad curriculum committee. 1984-1985. Library committee. 1985-1986. Chair, Physiological psychologist search committee, Dept of Psychology 1985-1986. Program review committee for Animal Behavior Graduate Group, . University Service EXTRAMURAL GRANTS As Principal Investigator 1969 1970 1971 1971 1972 National Institutes of Health grants MH17425-01; MH17425-02; MH17425-03; MH19760-01; MH22253-01 $18,777 for communication; $19,707 for communication; $22,475 communication; $ 5,182 for birth order; $42,747 for separation. As Collaborative Investigator G. Mitchell Project Director of HD04335 IV: Brain behavior relationship in mental retardation (Project director for Loring Chapman’s Behavioral Biology Primate Laboratory) HD04335-04 June 1972 to May 31, 1973 $39,610; HD04335-05 June 1973 to May 31, 1974 $40,306; HD04335-06 June 1974 to May 31, 1975 $30,229. RR00169 Shared with Behavioral Biology Unit (California Primate Research Center grant money) RR00169-11; RR00169-12; RR00169-13; RR00169-14;1972-1973; 1973-1974; 1974-1975; 1975-1976; $27,639; $44,957; $76,577; $67,887. UCD INTRAMURAL D-GRANTS FOR RESEARCH WITH UNDERGRADUATES Faculty research grant D-552, University of California, Davis, “Self-directed behavior in adult male isolate-reared rhesus monkey.” 1969-1970, $1000; 1970-1971, $900. Faculty research grant D-552, “Separation of emotionally attached monkeys.” 1971-1972. $886. Faculty research grant D-552, “Intergenus attachment.” 1973-1974, $900; 1974-1975. $900; 1975-1976, $800. Faculty research grant D-552, “Sex differences in nonhuman primates.” 1976-1977, $392; 1977-1978, $900. Faculty research grant D-552, “An analysis of sex and gender differences in terrestrial Old World Monkeys.” 1978-1979. $850; 1979-1980, $400; 1980-1981, $600; 1981- 1982, $600; 1982-1983. $1024; 1983-1984, $1492. Faculty research/teaching grant D-552, “Micro-computer in teaching research methods,” 1984-1985. $2215. Faculty research grant D-7132. “Research in zoo,” 1987-1988 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Editorial work for the Journal of Developmental Psychobiology; Project Director: Behavioral Biology laboratory (NIH) at the Primate Service Facility, California National Primate Research Center, Davis, California, 1971-72: 1972-73; 1973-74; 1974-75. website: http://www.cnprc.ucdavis.edu/; Film reviews for American Anthropological Association; Referee on primate behavior grants for the National Geographic Society; Editorial work for the American Association for Advancement of Science and the journal Science. 1967 through 1979; Editorial work for Behaviour (An International Journal of Comparative Ethology); Editorial work for Animal Learning and Behavior (a Journal of the Psychonomic Society); Editorial work for Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie (an International Journal of Animal Behavior based in Germany); Referee on dissertation and regular grant proposals for the National Science Foundation. Invited to be visiting scientist, University of Washington Regional Primate Research Center, The Primate Field Station. Medical lake, Washington, Summer 1975 (invitation not accepted). Reviewer of Seay and Gottfried’s “The Development of Behavior” (a textbook in Developmental Psychobiology) for Houghton-Mifflin Co., Boston (John Estes, Psychology editor). October-December. 1975; Review or referee work for Dushkin Press psychology series, Spring 1976; Referee for journal Child Development. Summer 1976; American Society of Primatologists, Founding and Organizing committee, 1976-77. “The concept of an American Society of Primatologists (ASP) was first formalized Referee on primate behavior grants for the National Science Foundation, 1977 to present. Chair, election committee for the American Society of Primatologists. 1977. Referee on papers for the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1977. Editorial work on ASP primate books, Van Nostrand. 1977-78, 1978, 1979. Review or referee work for Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1979. Review or referee work for journal Animal Behaviour, 1979 to 1994. Consultation and committee work for Social Science Research Council, 1970’s Review or referee work for the International Journal of Primatology, 1980-81 to present. Associate editor for American Journal of Primatology, 1980 to 1994. Consulting editor for Zoo Biology. Alan R. Liss, lnc., 1982 to 1994. Publication committee American Society of Primatologists (ASP). 1981-82; Program committee ASP. 1982-83, 1983-84. Reviews editor American Journal of Primatology, 1983-85 (two year term). Advisory board, Monographs in Primatology. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1982 to 1994. Monograph reviews for Applied Primatology, Springer-Verlag, Inc., New York, 1982 to 1994. PUBLIC SERVICE : ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTARIES IN POPULAR MEDIA Early. Kathleen. Father love. The Sciences, 1974. 14(8):24-25. (New York Academy of Sciences; an article devoted entirely to our research.) Mitchell, G., W. K. Redican, and J. Gomber. Lesson from a primate: Males can raise babies. Psychology Today. 1974, 7(11} :63-68. Reprinted in Realidade, 1974 (Brazil). in Psychologie. 1974 (France). and in Psychologie Heute, 1975 (Germany). Also in Psicologia Contemporanea. 1975 (Italy) and in Psychology Today. August 1975 (Great Britain). Also adapted for an article published by the University of Hawaii at Manoa, March 1975. Mitchell, G. Early social deprivation in the laboratory. The Futurist, 1975 9(2):75-80. Mitchell, G., W. K. Redican, and J. Gomber. Adult male parental behavior on The Nature of Things/Man and Woman, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Toronto. Canada. 1973. Redican, W. K., J. Gomber, and G. Mitchell. Appeared on KCRA-TV, Channel 3, Sacramento, CA on the subject of adult male infant care, April 14, 1975. Mitchell, G., W. K. Redican, and J. Gomber. Films of adult male and adult female monkey parental behavior aired on “Thin Edge,” Public Broadcasting System, WNET-TV, New York, KDVS-6, Sacramento, California, May 26. 1975. Mitchell, G., W. K. Redican, and J. Gomber. Filmstrip on psychology for high school students. Running Productions. Inc.May 1975. Mitchell, G., W. K. Redican, and J. Gomber. Interview resulting in a special article in the Davis Enterprise on “Fathering” in monkeys. March 27, 1974 Mitchell, G. Cited in Redbook (Magazine for young women), May 1976 in an article by Benjamin Spock, “How mothers learn to love their newborn babies, pp.22-28. Mitchell, G. Articles describing two of my published books in five local papers In California Aggie, Sacramento Union, Sacramento Bee, Davis Daily Democrat, Davis Enterprise, .and in Keene Evening Sentinel (Keene, NH) PUBLIC SCHOOL, GOVERNMENT, AND OTHER CLASSROOM SERVICE Tour of Primate Center research facilities and talk on monkey behavior to second grade students of Valley Oak School, Davis, California, Fall 1968. Film on monkey birth, filmed and developed at the National Center for Primate Biology by G. Mitchell, and sent to the University of California at Berkeley’s Audiovisual Aids Department and Dramatic Arts Department for use in the play “Him” by e. e. cummings, 1969. Behavioral consultant for dietary gynecology-obstetrics site visit. Dr. K. R. Niswander, Principal Investigator, June 1969. Behavioral research at the National Center for Primate Biology. Guest lecture to Davis High School students. summer session of Psychology (Mr. Van Dine, Instructor), July 1969, Davis, California. Tour and talk on psychological research at the Primate Center to comparative psychology students of American River College, Sacramento, California, July 17, 1969. Lecture to Dr. A. A. Harrison’s Psychology 1 C class: “Relevance of animal research to personality theory,” University of California, Davis, May 4, 1970. Lectures to Dr. D. G. Lindburg’s Anthropology 154A class: “Effects of early experience on primate behavior,” University of California. Davis, February 5, 1970; also February 1972. Lecture to Dr. J. Lyon’s Psychology 10 Social and Personality Psychology class on primate development, October 12, 1970. Tour and talk on psychological research at the Primate Center to comparative psychology students at the University of the Pacific. Stockton, California. 1971. Tour and talk on research at the Primate Center to comparative psychology students of the College of the Redwoods, Arcata, California, April 1971. Summer advising for parents of incoming freshman at UC Davis, July 1971. Lecture and demonstration to a foundation (ARCS–Achievement Rewards for College Scientists), which sponsors graduate students in the natural sciences, November 8, 1971. An attempt to obtain funds for graduate students interested in primate behavior. Lectures to California school teachers of biology using Man: A course of study curriculum. January 1972. “Psychological research using monkeys.” Lecture and discussion group for black students in the Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) of the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP, Rosemary Braxton, counselor-coordinator), June 28, 1973. Films and narration for the University of California Educational TV course #3 on Scientific Communication to be used throughout U.C. system, July 1975. Summer advising for incoming transfer students. Summer 1975. Lecture to Ray Berrian’s Psychology 10 Social and Personality class on primate communication, February 18, 1976. Discussion group on early social deprivation in primates for Dr. Carol Carson’s class primate behavior course. California State University, Stanislaus, Modesto-Turlock, California, October 1975. Primate Behavior students, Cabrillo College, Santa Cruz. California, Fall 1975 and Fall 1976 (also Psychology 180C students of UCD). Symposium on Monkeys, Apes, and People. Consumnes River College, Sacramento, California, November 1976 (Psychology 180C students). Lecture to Ruth Dixon’s Sociology 132 class (Sociology of Sex Roles) on sex differences in nonhuman primates, University of California, Davis, April 7, 1977. Interview and consultant for Sacramento High School sophomore student science project (Catherine Donovan), May 1977. Lecture to William Mason’s Psychology 15 (Introductory Psychobiology) class, June 6, 1977. Consulting (pro bono) Office of Child Abuse Prevention, 744 P Street. Sacramento. California. Summer advising for incoming transfer students, Summer 1978. Work on committee for Social Science Research Council, New York, City, Fall 1979. Hosting and committee work for appointment of University of California Systems’ Hitchcock Professor, Dr. Robert A. Hinde, December 1978 through May 1979. Promotion and support for Zoological Societies (Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles. San Diego, San Joaquin, etc.), early 1990’s